Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pin It ! : Motherhood

Dear Random Pinner I am Following,

I couldn't help but notice your interest in following my boards and repinning nearly every photo I've collected.  I figured you must have good taste, and therefore, I chose to follow your boards as well.

It is obvious to me that you are a new-mom-to-be.  Congratulations!  From the endless boards of baby portrait ideas, sewing inspiration, homemade nursery decor, etc., I can tell you're a thoughtful, thrifty woman who is excitedly anticipating and preparing for the arrival of your new bundle of joy.  For that, I applaud you and wish you well.

I do have some concerns, however, at the one-dimensional nature of these glowing photos.  I would simply hate for you to limit your scope of motherhood by not embracing all the future has in store for you.  Based on your Inspirational Quotes board of trite expressions, I assessed your keen desire to live out the framed, scrapbook-paper-mounted motto "Knowledge is Power."  Therefore, I am taking the liberty to provide a few additional, pin-worthy items you might strongly consider to embellish your collections and broaden your mothering horizons.

Let's start pinning, shall we?

At the hospital, you may be overwhelmed with an influx of well-wishing friends, relatives, and/or nurses living vicariously through your life-changing experience.  As these surrogates of resources tend to gush endless questions, compliments, and advice for the new mom, you will be drop-dead-tired and not exactly the makeup-enhanced, radiant woman-with-new-baby hospital pic typically posted on the facebook newsfeed.  Therefore, it would be wise to prepare a script of handy replies to the onslaught of questions, which may be condensed into four simple categories.

I love your taste in nursery decor, from the cheery turquoise walls to the trendy decals you plan to make with your Cricut.  Way to save a buck.  The diaper changing table makes me giggle, as I imagine you will soon discover just how quickly you will go through that tidy stack of 5 or 6 diapers nestled so prettily in the color-coordinating Pottery Barn canvas baskets.  Rest assured there is no shame in redesigning your changing station to suit your needs.

And though your nursery pins feature sunshine streaming through sheer curtain-swagged windows to illuminate a glorious aura, baby might squint at this feature.  Therefore, a few adjustments to the window treatments may be necessary. 

Speaking of sleeping habits, I understand this is of great concern, as it is a challenge every exhausted mother must endure.  Judging from the 46 pins of guaranteed baby sleep solutions, I would say you've got a handle on things...except for one tiny footnote:

Oh, don't let me discourage you.  Babies are great.  But as you industriously follow those clever tutorials for cupcake-printed Boppy slipcovers, please consider a few useful grown-up prints to rest your unshowered-for-three-days head upon after you've finally nursed baby to sleep.

And when s/he wakes up forty-three minutes later, you might wish to select tips from your 23 pins on How To Soothe A Colicky Child.  In fact, kudos to you for organizing a warehouse of the latest baby swings, BPA-free binkies, bouncers, white noise machines, baby slings, etc.  Any of these is a worthy choice.  But if it comes to a matter of sanity, you might wish to pin this to your board "Good Idea."

From the wide variety of topics you cover, I can tell you are an unselfish, giving person who always thinks of those around you.  This includes a board devoted entirely to your husband.  Nine items, to be exact. Not quite the 100+ average on your 53 other boards, but a sincere acknowledgement nonetheless.   I thought I could save you some time, however, when I noticed you pinning thoughtful, homemade trinkets to leave where you hope he'll find them, as well as your latest pin:  a book about 21 ways to please your husband.  Honey, let me remind you of the fact that you are pregnant...do you really need a book?

I am delighted, however, that you are indeed an avid reader and have lofty aspirations to read to your child.  Good for you!  I myself enjoy filling our home with books for story times.  Nevertheless, I have to admit that you rather startled me the other evening when it was apparent we were simultaneously pinning items to our various boards, and suddenly, book after book after book after book after book after book kept popping up on my "new pin" notification.  Why, everything from individual stories to daunting lists like 100 Books Every Child Should Read Before Kindergarten (and heaven forbid they don't!).  It's safe to say you've got about 525 books to complete before junior/ette turns one.  Now, I hate to be the one to break this to you, but somewhere between #36. Goodnight, Moon and #87. The Very Hungry Caterpillar you'll need a breather.  This might be a good time to try one of those handy household tips such as protecting your ice cream from freezer burn.

While we are on the topic of reading, I would like to thank you for indirectly enlightening me.  I couldn't help but notice all the wonderful instructional blogs and tips you've pinned regarding how to get the most out of story time with your child.  From props to puppets to DIY crafts, I am now aware that simply sitting down and reading a book to my child does not suffice.  Moreover, I realize I have deprived my children immensely by not specifically seeking out relevant topics such as recycling, racial harmony, and multicultural customs.  I don't suppose Artie Bennett's The Butt Book is on your list.  Perhaps Pin it #526 for a rainy day when you cannot attend to that neglected list of gardening ideas.

(For a brief explication of library culture, please read my post here).

Speaking of customs, I see that you already have baby's first (and second!) birthday party all planned out.  My, you certainly are on top of things, aren't you?  Monkeys, Dr. Seuss, and Harry Potter (3rd birthday...really?!) are all lovely themes.  Invitations, decorations, and crafty little favors will definitely make baby's party worth remembering.  Nevertheless, you might prepare for the fact that there is one aspect of the party beyond your control:  baby's reaction to the traditional birthday serenade.

In truth, get used to the fact that there is a lot about raising a baby that is beyond your control.  This includes the child's grandparents.  I am in no way suggesting your family is one to cause strife, but when I saw your gallery of adorable portrait ideas specifically honoring the grandparents, I couldn't help but add one that will be of great practical value:

Feeding in general seems to be on your mind lately, and I'm not merely referring to the explosion of ingredient-categorized recipe boards every time you have a new craving.  I am just a little disturbed by your fondness for photographed breastfeeding sessions.  God bless you for desiring to sacrificially nourish your baby how nature intended, but let's remember to balance the obvious artistic license with a healthy dose of reality.

In conclusion, dear Random Pinner, when it comes to being a new mom, there are definitely a lot of wake-up calls.  Not only quite literally throughout the night, but also in matters of expectations.  Please don't let reality rob your joy, but ground yourself in the sense to know that on the days when you forget to thaw one of those 101 Budget-Friendly Freezer Meals, it really is ok to order carryout.  When your baby kicks and fusses through the first page of I Love You Through and Through, every. single. time., when you're too exhausted from zero sleep to even think about stimulating his ever-expanding sensory skills, or when you realize that shabby chic little sign that says, "Good Moms have sticky floors, messy kitchens, laundry piles, dirty ovens, and happy kids" actually makes you want to jam a screwdriver in your temple because the overwhelming sea of clutter caused by those "happy" kids is enough to drive a person mad, please allow yourself the honesty to admit that motherhood isn't exactly what you thought it would be.


And when you experience those moments when you realize it is everything you dreamed it would be, pin them to your memory because every day, you will need them to remind yourself:

Best wishes for a smooth, safe labor and delivery...and a healthy outlook on motherhood.

A Random Follower 


  1. Haha! I know that pinner was not me ; ) Another delightfully honest and 'share' worthy post.

  2. Love it!! i just hope that 'random pinner' doesn't get frustrated when those pins aren't accomplished! Just now while reading this my son caught his sister eating the cookie dough out of the container from the refrigerator. i'm sure my name was just erased off the mother of the year award since she ate raw dough! :)

  3. I love you :-) This is awesome.

  4. Just wandered over from the MOB Society fb post... LOVE this post! You had me laughing and nodding in agreement the whole time. If I was on pinterest, I'd pin it for sure. (-:
